The Affordable Health Care Act and It’s Impact on Your Retirement…

Now that the Affordable Health Care Act is deemed constitutional, the Medicare surtax that is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2013 is likely.  Tax rates on certain passive income will rise to 43.4% from the current rate of 35%, and there is scheduled increases in the capital gains rates for both lower and upper income tax bracket taxpayers.  With taxes almost inevitably increasing, the appropriate response to buy your partner, Uncle Sam, out of your IRA at today’s lower tax rates.

As many of you know, for a long time I have advocated that making conversion of at least a portion of your IRA to a Roth IRA is a good idea for most taxpayers. Now, with the recent Supreme Court decision that the tax and locations of the Affordable Health Care Act, the benefits of the conversion become even more advantageous and more certain, particularly for upper income taxpayers. The benefits are making Roth IRA conversions can be measured in hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions if you can stretch the life of the Roth IRA over multiple generations.

If you are interested in a detailed technical analysis of the Medicare surtax or the benefits of Roth IRA conversion, please call and ask our Client Service Coordinator Alice for more information.   We would be happy to provide you with an explanation or set up a meeting with  one of our professionals.